I like French, comics, books, podcasts, (board and roleplaying) games, biking, and trains. I try to stay organized and in good (physical and mental) shape.

Moi, j'aime le français, les BD, les livres, les podcasts, les jeux (de plateau et de rôle), le cyclisme, et les trains. Je fais de mon mieux de rester organisé et en forme (physiquement et mentalement).

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Je crois comprendre assez bien le français, mais pendant une demi-seconde ce matin, j’ai oublié que “carrefour” peut signifier autre chose qu’un supermarché.

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Ma nièce est à Londres, et elle est toute contente de nous envoyer des photos de la fameuse Voie 9 3/4 de Harry Potter. Pour moi, il serait déjà magique d’avoir une vraie présence ferroviaire chez moi—la gare de King’s Cross m’est plus intéressante que Poudlard.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Littérature québécoise, anatomie d’un succès programmé - rts.ch - Livres'

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J’ai un grand amour pour la littérature franco-canadienne depuis avoir suivi un cours à ce sujet à l’université. link to “Littérature québécoise, anatomie d’un succès programmé - rts.ch - Livres”

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Anarchist Chess - Existential Comics'

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What I like about this comic is the way it shows that we build values we don’t agree with into games because games are more fun with conflict. link to “Anarchist Chess - Existential Comics”

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Une fois en enseignant le FLE, une étudiante a écrit la phrase « Je me suis blessée, mais j’étais d’accord ». Elle savait que « d’accord » voulait dire « okay », et en anglais « okay » peut signifier aussi « pas mal » ou « assez bien », et elle a donc fait un lien de trop.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Indigenous TTRPG Coyote & Crow is free for today only - Polygon'

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I’ve posted a lot about TTRPGs and values recently, and I’ve heard good things about this game, so this is welcome news. link to “Indigenous TTRPG Coyote & Crow is free for today only - Polygon”

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J’ai lu sur la RTS que c’est aujourd’hui la journée mondiale du sourire, mais moi, j’ai tout de suite pensé au fameux « rire, c’est bon pour la santé » de Johann Schneider-Ammann.

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Hyper sympa, quand on branche tous ses appareils le soir et puis se rend compte le matin que la prise ne fonctionnait pas.

🔗 linkblog: mes pensées sur 'Un extra-terrestre dans le château du train qui sent des pieds! (Gruyères, FR) - rts.ch - Portail Audio'

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Ça fait quelques semaines que j’ai du mal à finir les épisodes de Gare à vous, mais celle-co m’a beaucoup plu. J’ai de bons souvenirs de deux petites visites à Gruyères; par contre, je ne connaissais pas bien Giger, et j’ai beaucoup aimé corriger cette faute. lien pour “Un extra-terrestre dans le château du train qui sent des pieds! (Gruyères, FR) - rts.ch - Portail Audio”

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In making my most recent batch of homemade muesli, I underestimated the power of a particular kitchen appliance and wound up basically adding almond flour to the recipe instead of the crushed almonds I’d planned on.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 pour Josephine Baker, par Catel & Bocquet

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Comme d’habitude, je suis impressionné par le nombre de bd francophones disponible en traduction chez ma bibliothéque municipale, mais j’aurais préféré lire cet album en français. En tout cas, je connaissais le nom Josephine Baker, mais je ne connaissais pas vraiment le personnage. J’aurai appris beaucoup plus en lisant une vraie biographie, mais une bd, c’est quand-même sympa !

🔗 linkblog: mes pensées sur 'Des milliers de curieux se sont rendus à Echallens pour célébrer les 150 ans du LEB - rts.ch - Vaud'

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Pendant mon séjour à Renens, je trouvais chanceux les moments où je voyais passer une rame LEB, et je regrette ne jamais avoir voyagé avec la compagnie. lien pour “Des milliers de curieux se sont rendus à Echallens pour célébrer les 150 ans du LEB - rts.ch - Vaud”

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Il y a un tas de passeports et de permis de conduire périmés dans un tiroir chez moi, et chaque fois que j’ouvre ce tiroir, je me sens un tout petit peu Jason Bourne.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for The Long Earth, by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter

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This was a Jason Snell recommendation on a recent episode of The Incomparable that I nearly skipped; I’m glad I didn’t, though, because this was a fascinating book. The premise—that humanity suddenly learns about and how to access parallel worlds to either “side” of Earth—is a fascinating one. In fact, this is the kind of great science fiction that starts with a wild concept and plays with it as long as it can.

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In a recent session, a counselor I’ve been seeing recommended a simple self-acceptance practice, and I’m pleased (and, I’ll admit, surprised) by how much it’s been helping.

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The British narrator of the audiobook I’m listening to can only do American accents that sound like they’re from early 20th century radio serials. I find it charming, and I’m sure it’s much better than all the British accents Americans have butchered over the years.

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After leaving our local indie bookstore, I realized how appropriate it was to spend some money there the same day the FTC goes after Amazon.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 pour Civilizations, par Laurent Binet

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J’aime bien l’uchronie, et cet exemple offre beaucoup d’idées intéressantes, mais j’avoue que je ne vois pas en quoi il mérite un grand prix du roman de l’Académie française. Si je connaissais mieux l’histoire européenne, peut-être que je serais plus impressionné. En tout cas, c’était assez intéressant même si je n’ai pas tout suivi.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Archie 1941, by Brian Augustyn and Mark Waid

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I am only passingly familiar with Archie, but the concept behind the miniseries was compelling, and I love a reimagining of familiar characters to make a point. Even more compelling was the treatment of World War II in a way that emphasized how awful war is instead of cheerleading the U.S. entry into the conflict. Really enjoyed this.

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Unborking my blogging automations has been a pain, but on the upside, changing how I do it in Siri Shortcuts has fixed something small in my linkposts that’s bugged me for years.

🔗 linkblog: mes pensées sur 'Lyon-Barcelone avec la RENFE. ça vaut quoi ? - YouTube'

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Il y a peu d’occasions de voyager en train chez moi, et je dois donc profiter de ce genre de vidéo pour vivre un peu l’expérience. Comme la SNCF et les CFF me manquent ! Je n’ai pas d’expérience avec la RENFE, mais je suis impressionné par ce que je vois ici. lien pour “Lyon-Barcelone avec la RENFE. ça vaut quoi ? - YouTube”

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Si vous voyez ce message, j’aurai réussi à refaire mes raccourcis pour poster depuis mon portable.

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Something somewhere has borked, and now my Siri Shortcuts for near-effortless posting to Hugo from my phone are producing dumpster fire text files filled with URL encoded characters instead of the real things. Gonna have to fix this, but not looking forward to it.

is the Mistborn Adventure Game the ethics TTRPG I've been looking for?

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Twice this month already I’ve written about whether and how to try to play according to one’s values in games. Both posts have been inspired by Lotus Dimension, a TTRPG that explicitly encourages finding nonviolent solutions to in-game problems. In my first post, I expressed interest in the game because it “allow[s] and encourage[s] other paths to vidtory.” In my second, though, I wondered whether that were good enough: “Is ethical behavior in a game because the system of the game rewards that behavior truly ethical?

🔗linkblog: my thoughts on 'Why Do Video Games Want Me to Be a War Criminal: WIRED'

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Some interesting writing on a topic I’ve posted about a few times recently. link to ‘Why Do Video Games Want Me to Be a War Criminal

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If some tea (well, tisane) purist wants to tell me that smores tea shouldn’t be a thing, I don’t really have a great counterargument, but it’s delicious, so I have no plans to stop drinking it.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤 for Fables: The Deluxe Edition (Book Two), by Bill Willingham

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Reading a second volume hasn’t changed my impression of this series: It’s an interesting premise, but there’s not really enough substance to it to be worth my attention. There’s more out there, but I don’t feel any completionist tendencies about it.

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I have seen some unwieldly proofing software in my short career, but the one they’re having me use for my newest acceptance really takes the cake. I’d rather (re)learn InDesign and fix it there.

more unfinished thoughts on games and living one's values

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A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about buying a copy of Lotus Dimension, an indie TTRPG that encourages players to find non-violent solutions to problems. I haven’t made my way through the whole rulebook yet—I’ve been busy, and frankly, it’s a bit dense. It’s a bit crunchier than I would have expected from an indie TTRPG focused on an interesting premise, and I’m frankly not sure if it will live up to my initial excitement.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤 for Fables: The Deluxe Edition (Book One), by Bill Willingham

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As promised, I’m reading this in honor of Bill Willingham’s badass public domain antics earlier this week. I think the concept of his series is fun, but I’m not sure if I think it’s as great as its reputation. The idea of fairy tale characters living in the real world is full of potential, but the story seems pretty superficial. Will probably keep reading, though.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Pluralistic: Bill Willingham puts his graphic novel series “Fables” into the public domain (15 Sept 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow'

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Appreciate Doctorow’s detailed (and expert) perspectve here. link to ‘Pluralistic: Bill Willingham puts his graphic novel series “Fables” into the public domain (15 Sept 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow’

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I often gripe that Markdown doesn’t have as much functionality as HTML, but I just had to hand-convert a short .md document to .html, and it emphasized just how much easier it is to write Markdown on the fly.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'WordPress blogs can now be followed in the fediverse, including Mastodon | TechCrunch'

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So neat! Gotta figure this out for my Hugo site. link to ‘WordPress blogs can now be followed in the fediverse, including Mastodon | TechCrunch’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Willingham Sends Fables Into the Public Domain'

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Such a cool thing to do. I haven’t read Fables in ages, but may revisit it out of respect for Willingham. link to ‘Willingham Sends Fables Into the Public Domain’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million - Polygon'

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This is an interesting interview. I don’t think I’m sold on the defense—if anyone can afford to pay artists, the team behind Terraforming Mars can—but I do see how there’s more nuance here than my gut reaction to the headline. Still not pleased, though. link to ‘Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million - Polygon’

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I was already enjoying the actual play podcast Worlds Beyond Number, but once the phrase “pro bono rules lawyer” was uttered, I knew I was totally in.